Kevin Jones Day Trading Indicators
DayTradeFEED Takes a Closer Look at Kevin Jones Trading Indicators
Above all, day traders implement what they call “indicators” to help them predict market trends. In the 1990s, one of these day traders decided there had to be a more accurate, dependable indicator option than what was currently being sold on the market. This is when the Kevin Jones day trading indicators were born.
The mount of people using these indicators grows by the day. Many even claim 20+ years of profitability using his system. But what are they and how do they work?
Creating Each of Kevin Jones Day Trading Indicators
Most of Kevin Jones trading indicators took years to perfect. The man would sit in his home office for what seemed like days. His time was spent going through wide varieties of recorded data and seeing how it all affected different markets.
This went on for years until finally, like a bear emerging from a long winter of hibernation, the Kevin Jones day trading indicators were ready to test.
Beta Testing Kevin Jones Trading Indicators
Before showing others these day trading indicators, Jones needed to make sure they worked over and over for a long amount of time. Due to this, it would be years before they were marketed and distributed to others looking to find their own day trading success.
While using the indicators, Jones saw some losses, but was overall profitable during his time. He went on to have years of day trading success, and attributed most of it to his indicators.
Others Start Using Kevin Jones Day Trading Indicators
Eventually, Kevin realized how much his indicators could help others just like him find success and create their own wealth day trading. Because of this realization, he began telling as many as he could about his newly-found trading tool.
In time, others began to see how Kevin Jones day trading indicators could benefit them and their financial situation. Around 2008, Kevin joined forces with his son in bringing these indicators to the general public.
Kevin Jones Day Trading Indicator Overview
Discover each day trading indicator, what it looks like and how it works.
Over time, each of Kevin Jones forex and futures day trading indicators was released to the public. As each new indicator became available, the word began to spread about how successful many day traders had become using the program.
The following information surrounds Kevin Jones day trading indicators, what they include and their basic use information:
Kevin Jones Echo Trading Indicator
The Echo day trading indicator makes trading simple by letting you watch just one chart while making trades.
Why is this indicator called the Echo indicator?
An echo is a little movement within a larger market trend. These become profitable market fluctuations.
As the market never just goes one direction. It climbs there in steps. The echo indicators helps you identify if their will be another step continuing in that direction. Having an indicator that identifies those steps, they can then be predictably traded for reoccurring profit.
In conclusion, the Echo indicator is one of our safest, most profitable and easiest to learn!
Kevin Jones Majors and Minors Trading Indicator
The Majors and Minors day trading indicator empowers day traders to trade like institutional investing powerhouses. This is the main indicator that many in Kevin Jones day trading schools use in their trading.
Buying and Selling Indication
Basically, you’re looking for the different colored lines to cross in certain locations. So if the grey and black and red and green lines cross at the same time, that’s when you should buy or sell.
Buy Signal
A double crossover, at or or below the red line, pointing up, indicates BUY.
Sell Signal
A double crossover, at or above the blue line, pointing down, indicates SELL.
Kevin Jones TNT Trading Indicator
The TNT indicator is confirmatory of market direction.
Watch the video above to see Kevin Jones trading indicators help someone make $500 in just 20 minutes!
Thick Orange = Most leading
Thin Orange = Most confirmatory
Thick Blue = Most lagging
Thin Blue = Second leading
Kevin Jones Puts and Calls Trading Indicator
Major institutions do not just trade the market. They are required to enter by the use of puts and calls. As such, by plotting put and call movement, there is direct insight into real-time major market player action.
Kevin Jones Pressure Trading Indicator
This Kevin Jones day trading indicator is the most indicative of expected longer term market direction. Many day traders who implement this trading indicator into their day-to-day strategies prefer to us it in conjunction with other indicators (see above).
Kevin Jones Vector Trading Indicator
Finally, the Kevin Jones trading indicator called Vector indicates continued major player selling momentum with downward white space movement.
In contrast, upward white space movement indicates major player buying momentum.
Many who are implementing the Vector day trading indicator prefer to use it at the same time they’re using the puts and calls indicator, of which we wrote above.
Learn More About Kevin Jones Day Trading Indicators
In conclusion, we hope you enjoyed our brief overview of Kevin Jones day trading indicators and how they work. Many day traders swear by these indicators, and we’re happy to have been able to take a closer look at what drives them.
If you want to learn more about these day trading indicators, check out our contact page or email us at
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